Thursday, October 27, 2011

TV Pumpkins

Parks and Recreation Greg Pikitis
Leslie has got some serious beef with this teenager named Greg Pikitis.  Someone vandalizes the park every Halloween and Leslie is sure that it's him.  The only problem?  She has no proof.  That doesn't stop her from following him for the night.  She warns him at school, while he eats a peach.  She tails him all night with the help of her then cop boyfriend, and she even has Andy keep gaurd at the park.  Somehow there's still vandalism, but not the park.  This time Leslie's department gets the mess.  With no proof, and a certain fact that she followed him all night, Leslie still believes the culprit to be Greg Pikitis.  It's a story for the ages.

Meanwhile, sweet, naive Ann is throwing a Halloween Party.  There's only one person she doesn't want going and it's Tom.  But Jerry manages to tell Tom about the party before he is warned not to.  At Ann's party things really go down the drain.  Everyone is bored out of their minds.  All of Ann's coworkers go as doctors and nurses (their real uniforms).  Tom goes as T Pain.  Someone's gotta bring this party up, who's it gonna be? 

Watch the episode to know how things play out, I promise you that there will be lots of laughter!

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