Wednesday, October 5, 2011

TV Pumpkins

Lizzie Mcguire Night of the Day of the Dead
The episode starts off with Matt and Lennie mapping out their trick or treating locations, totally cool by the way, I think I should steal that idea.  But unfortunately for Matt, he finds out he won't be going trick or treating this year.  Instead he has to attend a Halloween Dance at Lizzie's school.

Lizzie is trying her best to be Vampira for the party, so Kate(who the hell elected her?) convinces Lizzie to clean out a dirty old room to decorate it as her dungeon.  Lizzie does it...blah blah blah.  Kate is also disrespectful to Miranda's Mexican heritage saying that Dia de Los Muertos is lame.  Miranda tells Kate that bad stuff happens when you disrespect her ancestors. Blah blah the party Kate goes as Vampira and she is still being disrespectful.

Somewhere in the party the Dia de Los Muertos skeletons go missing, Gordo gets stuck in a Burger Buddy, Lizzie turns into a zombie, Matt disappears, and Kate totally believes it all.  It's nice revenge, and the episode is fun!

Might I also add that this Halloween Dance raised my expectations of what a Halloween party should be.  I was unfortunately, disappointed.

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