Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Horror Files: Paranormal Entities

The Amityville Horror (1979): "Get out!" I think I'm gonna listen if I start hearing voices tell me that in my home.  Might I just add that blood oozes from the walls!  Watch it, watch it!
The Shining (1980):  I'm not gonna lie, this film about cabin fever scares the hebeegeebees out of me!  The scary music starts playing, and you're wondering what's gonna happen next and all of a sudden the screen fades to black with the super head "Tuesday."  Yeah, that made me jump, which is a testament to how well this film is.  Don't listen to Stephen King, Stanley Kubrick directed at masterpiece!  It's nearly perfect, but I would change one thing.  When the creepy twins come out and tell Danny "Come play with us", and he starts talking to "Frank" does anyone else think the twins should have "Oh let's not play with him, he's crazy"?  His tone of voice is seriously creepy!
Poltergeist (1982): I have seen this film way too many times, and the one thing I have always learned is to take the TV out of your house.  I never did it!  If you're child speaks static TV you should definitely seek help because she will be abducted by TV people.  Also, if you have a clown phobia, this film is not for the faint of heart.
The Sixth Sense (1999): Gah! I seriously want to spoil the ending for who ever hasn't seen this!  I will refrain, but word of advice if a kid tells you he sees dead people, then... oh forget it. The film is scary, with dead people popping up here and there.  Just watch the movie!
The Others (2001): I absolutely love this film!  It takes place about the same time as World War 2 and it features a house drawn straight out of Gothic literature. I die!  Nicole Kidman plays the mother to 2 children that suffer from a  photosensitive disease, meaning they can't be exposed to the sun.  To the convenience of the film's genre, the house is always dark.  You have to lock doors after you leave their rooms, open and close curtains before you enter another room, it's very complicated but it works!  And like the Sixth Sense, it has a great ending!

1 comment:

  1. Come on yall pick up the slack this Nichole is the only one keeping u guys from doing bad
