Wednesday, October 12, 2011

TV Pumpkins

How I Met Your Mother The Slutty Pumpkin

Oh Ted, you're always hanging on to some girl that you met, that you may or may not have had a real connection with.  One of my favorites, has to be the slutty pumpkin.  Why?  Because she's a mystery.  Ted wears the same costume every year in the hopes that the slutty pumpkin will be at the same party and remember meeting him all those years ago(2001).  Well the slutty pumpkin shall remain a mystery no more!  I have it on good authority that Katie Holmes was hired to play the role, and good authority means I read it on the internet.
Also, Lily and Marshall are being their usual perfect couple selves and trying to win a costume contest.  Their also trying to show Robin what it means to be in a couple.
Oh, and Barney changes his costume a bunch of times to try and get into some girl's pants, whom he's already upset.  But it's not his fault, he was supposed to go to the Victoria's Secret party.

Overall, this is a hilarious episode filled with lots of Halloween fun!

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