Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Don't think we forgot.  We don't know what you did today but we'd like to wish you the final Happy Halloween of the night!  We hope you got into the holiday spirit, but if you didn't that's fine; there's always next year.  Till then Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Modern Days, Modern Ways

So, if you learned one thing this month it's that I really love horror movies!  Something that I don't love too much are modern day horror movies, but occasionally there are a diamonds in the rough.  Walk with me? (Are we going to walk through this blog post? No.  But I've always wanted to say that.)
Here are horror films that I've enjoyed  since the year 2000.
The Others (2001): Horror got its roots from the gothic and this film just oozes with the gothic.
28 Days Later (2002): This is not the Sandra Bullock movie!  Stunningly scary.
The Ring (2002): I still have to ask myself if I want to watch the ending without my hands over my eyes.
Saw (2004): Jigsaw gives his victims choices.  Now that's just insane, but it works.
Wolf Creek (2004): If you ever want to call it predictable, its many twists and turns won't allow you to do that.
Hostel (2005): I never knew how squeamish I was until  I watched Hostel.
Paranormal Activity (2007): Slow and steady wins the race.
The House of the Devil (2009): A nice helping of 80s horror, and a dash of Rosemary's Baby equals perfection.
The Last Exorcism (2010): You'll be asking lots of questions and I mean that in the best way possible.
Let Me In (2010): Very beautiful.  Is that odd?  Watch it and tell me differently.
Insidious (2011): Absolutely terrifying. Absurd plot, but oh man does it work! Tiny Tim's "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" is the scariest song ever!

Remakes and Legacies

Remakes are plain and simple, more often than not they should never be done! 
By Legacies I mean sequels,prequels,trilogies,etc.
Halloween Legacy
The first one came out in 1978 and it is still the best.  It can still induce some goosebumps.  Part 2? I can't stand it.  I'll admit I kind of like where it picks up for a bit, but after that I want to rip out my eyes.  My brother on the otherhand likes it, so you have two perspectives now.  Part 3? What the hell was that?! Amen if you've never been able to finish it!  Part 4?  Kind of cheesy but it breathes new life into this legacy.  Part 5? Still better than 2 but just not that great.  Everything else?  Please, make it stop!!
Halloween Remakes
I've only seen the first of Rob Zombie's rendition and I'm not really a fan.  I respect the fact that Zombie really wanted to get into the mind of the famed serial killer (who wouldn't).  However, the film lacks the spark of the originals.  It almost felt like I was watching two very different films with the first half and the second half of the movie, and that's not something I like here.  But hey, I know a lot of people that do like the film, so just watch it and get your own opinion of it.
Friday the 13th Legacy
I really like the first part because I understand the motives of the killer and it's really creepy.  The second part I like because it's our first taste of Jason as a killer.  The rest? Should never have happened.
Friday the 13th Remake
Jason runs?  Yeah, I don't think so!!
A Nightmare on Elm Street Legacy
I only love the first one! But I do like Wes Craven's New Nightmare (what part is that exactly? I lost count).  New Nightmare is fresh compared to all of the other sequels.
A Nightmare on Elm Street Remake
Why did you have to do this Jackie Earle Haley?! You're such a gifted actor!  I was initially excited when I learned that you were the one going to take the spot of Freddy, but...I don't even want to talk about it.
Scream Legacy
I love you Wes Craven! I don't like the third film, but all is forgiven.  I love the others, I mean that! They don't make me cringe in any way.  Might I love Scream 2 over Scream?  I have this debate with myself all time! Still not sure.
Dawn of the Dead Remake
I love this film! I know many fans will tell you otherwise but the zombies run! They run, like I always knew they should! 
Saw Legacy
Wow! I just wish you didn't keep turning out films.  The first 2 films are impeccable, the rest? You don't really need them but maybe you'll get sucked in.  All I have to say is that when this film first came out, it was breathing new life into the serial killer horror genre.
Paranormal Activity Legacy
I don't know...this might just be turning into a Scream thing.  I love Scream and I don't feel that all the sequels have shamed it.  PA was excellent, just the right amount of scary. PA 2 was also good.  PA 3 was unbelievable.  If you want an intense amount of chills you should definitely be watching this one! It might just be the best thus far.
I'll stop here.  Obviously there are others, but I just don't have that kind of time.

The Not So Spooky: Zombieland

Zombieland (2009)
Such a nice blessing!  There are certain rules that everyone must learn and Zombieland is more than happy to point them out to you. Here are some of my favorites:
#1: Cardio (How many out of shape people do you think can out run a zombie?)
#2:The Double Tap (Don't you always root for someone to shoot/hit twice?  It's just for insurance.)
#3: Beware Bathrooms (The name of the game is survival and you want a private bathroom? I understand being shy but come on!)
#4: Don't be a Hero (Duh!)
#18: Limber Up (You don't want to cramp up if you're going to out run a zombie.)
Very funny movie! Watch it!

The Not So Spooky: Shaun of the Dead

Shaun of the Dead (2004)
First off this film might not be spooky but it also isn't shy on the gore.
Another thing this film isn't shy on?  Comedy.  This film is pure comedic genius.  It mocks the genre, while also honoring it.  Most importantly: It shows why everyone in zombie movies should just pretend to be a zombie!  It could totally work.  Any-who...if you don't like this film, you are absolutely bonkers!  Yeah, I said it.

The Horror Files: Zombies

It's alive...again.
I have to tell you, I love and adore zombies ( I won my first costume contest dressed as a zombie). This might just be one of my favorite Halloween themes!
Night of the Living Dead (1968):  I know there were some that existed before this, but the film really paved the way for the genre officially starting.  It also cemented George A. Romero into the business and obviously horror movie junkies are grateful.  But this film holds a special place in my heart for winning me free movie tickets.  I'll never forget you.
Dawn of the Dead (1978): Doesn't the tagline just say it all.  Once again this is George A. Romero and this time the zombies get some color.

There's a long line of zombie films all attached to George A. Romero (we get it, you are nothing like your friendly image when it comes to making movies), and I'm sure they're good but I have yet to see them. (Don't egg me, please, don't)

There are more zombie films to come, but I found them befitting of other categories.

Spooks and Beats: Ghostbusters

Listen to the song!  You need to know who you gonna call!! 

The song is by Ray Parker Jr. and it is fun, fun, fun! 

This is also the final Spooks and Beats of the year so listen!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Cutie Patootie of the Week

And the honor goes to Anton Yelchin! 
Oh, he's like the little engine that could; he got in there in the 11th hour and we feel it rightfully so.  He's long been called the up and coming actor or star on the rise, and we believe that he's finally done with those labels.  Let's just call him Anton Yelchin shall we not?
We're not going to say that his hair was the deciding factor, but we want to assure you that it helped!  And have you seen those adorable dimples?

Some quick facts about Mr. Yelchin:
He's a Jewish Russian.  His family fled the Soviet Union.
His parents were famous figure skaters.
He plays the piano and guitar.
He's been acting since the age of 9.
His screen credits include Hearts in Atlantis, Alpha Dog, Star Trek, Terminator Salvation, and Fright Night.  You can now catch him in Like Crazy, and judging by the trailer this is sure to cement him as a star!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Spooks and Beats: Thriller

You know the song, do I really have to explain it?  I don't want to further glamorize MJ just because he died, so I will only say that this song and video are still pretty cool over 2 decades later.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

TV Pumpkins

Community Epidemiology
One of the greatest Halloween episodes of all time!  I love to call it the Zombie ABBA Halloween Episode! If that doesn't convince you to watch it, I don't know what will.
Please, watch the video above!  The only thing missing is the ABBA but it shows pretty much everything in 5 minutes, and you will never believe that any show can pack in so much good stuff in one 22 minute episode!

You know what? I'm declaring it: Greatest Halloween themed episode ever! 

Community returns with its 3rd consecutive Halloween episode tonight, as does the rest of NBC.  It's going to be an exciting night!

TV Pumpkins

Community Introduction to Statistics
Community delivers the goods on their first take on Halloween.  Annie is hosting a Halloween Party and wants everyone to go, but Jeff has a hot professor.  So logically his choice is to go for the girl.  Tisk, tisk.  Meanwhile at the party:
Britta doesn't like that "women use Halloween as an excuse to dress up as sluts."  Neither does Annie, who is dressed as an adorable skeleton from one perspective, but once the cape is shed it can be very umm...body revealing I guess.

Abed is dressed as Batman, and he basically won't break out of character. Oh and he's channeling Christian Bale's version.  Troy is dressed as Eddie Murphy (the Delirious red leather version).  Troy has always wanted to ask Batman if he's good looking apparently, to which Batman tells him that he is.

Then there's Pierce.  He doesn't want people to know his true age or that he's on old people meds.  Poor guy.  He goes as the Beastmaster, thinking it's very hip.  In the bathroom Starburns catches him taking his medication but assumes it's illegal drugs and insists that he and Pierce trade.  Cue the crazy, drug infused Pierce.  He loses his mind and pretty much destroys the library.  And he needs Jeff to save the day, of course.

Have I mentioned that Shirley is dressed as Harry Potter?  But everyone thinks she is Urkel. 

Funny stuff! Watch it!

TV Pumpkins

The Office (throughout the years)
The Office has had a few official Halloween episodes throughout the years, it's also had some unofficial episodes too.  I have adored it all.  The first Halloween episode they did, Michael had to fire someone by the end of the day.  Imagine having to be fired while you're in costume!  It ain't pretty, but it sure is funny! Here are some of my favorite clips:

TV Pumpkins

Parks and Recreation Greg Pikitis
Leslie has got some serious beef with this teenager named Greg Pikitis.  Someone vandalizes the park every Halloween and Leslie is sure that it's him.  The only problem?  She has no proof.  That doesn't stop her from following him for the night.  She warns him at school, while he eats a peach.  She tails him all night with the help of her then cop boyfriend, and she even has Andy keep gaurd at the park.  Somehow there's still vandalism, but not the park.  This time Leslie's department gets the mess.  With no proof, and a certain fact that she followed him all night, Leslie still believes the culprit to be Greg Pikitis.  It's a story for the ages.

Meanwhile, sweet, naive Ann is throwing a Halloween Party.  There's only one person she doesn't want going and it's Tom.  But Jerry manages to tell Tom about the party before he is warned not to.  At Ann's party things really go down the drain.  Everyone is bored out of their minds.  All of Ann's coworkers go as doctors and nurses (their real uniforms).  Tom goes as T Pain.  Someone's gotta bring this party up, who's it gonna be? 

Watch the episode to know how things play out, I promise you that there will be lots of laughter!

Costume Director: Part 8

Some of us little squirrels love the royals! Specifically Kate and Prince Harry! But Prince Harry is another story.

Anyways, dressing up as Kate Middleton is an awfully easy last minute costume to do. All you need is a long sleeve v-neck navy dress, which I saw last week at H&M and I had to resist not to buy it. And some black heels, I think black flats would also work.

The next part is the ring! Now I am sure you can find these EVERYWHERE. I have seen lookalikes every where, JC Penney, Forever 21, Kohls, and even AVON. And something tells me they might even have them at the 99 cents store.

Now the next part is optional, you can also wear a princess crown if you want to stand out a bit more and make who you are more noticeable.

And even better if you get your own Prince William!

I personally love this outfit. I have never been much of the person who dresses up for Halloween to school because I think it is such a hassle, but if I was back in high school, I would totally do this! Plus, you get to keep the dress and add it to your wardrobe!

By the way, this expression of this girls face is adorable. That would totally be Nichole and I....

By: Mariela

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Horror Movie Rules: Take 4

Never try to hide in your car.
"We get it already! You love this movie." 
Fine! I'll post something from another movie too.
So why should you never hide in your car?  Well, it's obvious!  You're either going to drop your keys in fear and frustration or your engine has already been tampered with.  Hey, maybe the killer has your keys, and is waiting for you to look like a moron.  Bottom line: if you're going to outrun a serial killer you best be doing it on your feet, but those might fail you too.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

TV Pumpkins

The Big Bang Theory The Middle Earth Paradigm 
 Oh, this has to be one of the cutest Halloween themed episodes ever!  (That's my geeky core speaking).

Any-who...Penny invites the guys to her Halloween party, so naturally they all want to go as The Flash!  I completely get it, if I were them I'd want to wear the costume too.  But anyways, they all change because they decide that it is unfair for only one person to keep their costume.  Then we discover that these guys can deliver back up costumes like it's no body's business! Literally!  Frodo, Robin Hood, Thor, and of course, The Doppler Effect!

Leonard gets a little upset at the party when Penny starts talking to her macho ex.  He works up some courage to go talk to her, and is almost dismantled by that loser buffoon, macho guy.  He then delivers one of the coolest geek-to-bully showdowns in the history of geek-to-bully showdowns.  Did I mention that he's the one dressed as Frodo?

Horror Movie Rules: Take 3

Never say, "I'll be right back."  You're basically signing your death wish.
Scream really knew the concept of this rule.  Always come prepared whenever you're in a strange setting.  Bring lots of water, flashlights, etc. because the minute that you separate yourself from the group is the same minute that you become easy prey. If something needs to be where you are that isn't, I hate to say it, but make the guy next to you fetch it. Let him say those doomed words because at the end of the day it is every man and woman for them self.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Horror Movie Rules: Take 2

If you are a slut, you will die, that's a 100% fact!  I don't need verification you know I get these statistics from watching movies.
I'm not saying that if you do the nast you'll die, but I mean if you go out of your way to make this your living, you will die. Take it from P.J. Soles's (who has the coolest name) character in Halloween, homegirl liked to fool around and look where that got her.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Costume Director: Part 7

Jovie from Elf.

What?! Wrong holiday? I don't think so.  One of my favorite new shows from fall TV is New Girl.  I love Zooey Deschanel!  My favorite role of her's?! Gah! That's a toughie, but I really like Elf.  And I'm hoping you can reuse this for Christmas if you're looking for a part time job at the mall.

Pretty self explanatory.

Make me proud! Tootles.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Spooks and Beats: "I Put a Spell on You"

I know you've heard this song.  I don't know who's version you know, and I also don't care as long as you're into it.  Here are some of my favorite versions.

 The original by Screamin Jay Hawkins
The jazzy, sultry version by Nina Simone
The very fun, memorable scene from Hocus Pocus
A little dash of She & Him never hurts anyone

Friday, October 21, 2011

Cutie Patootie of the Week

Our cutie patootie of the week is Hugh Dancy!

Hugh Dancy is a british actor and started his career as a model, but later moved on to acting. He has come out in movies such as Ella Enchanted, The Jane Austen Bookclub, Confessions of a Shopaholic, and our squirrels favorite, ADAM!

If you have not watched Adam yet, you have to! Mr. Dancy plays a super smart guy with aspergers syndrome, and shows how he lives his life, and falls in love. It is seriously amazing.

Oh Hugh Dancy, you are so adorable. I just want to sit on a park bench with you and talk about life and outerspace, and listen to your British accent.

We love everything about him. Other than his cute accent, his great curly hair!

And that SMILE!

He just makes me blush!

In real life he is married to Claire Danes and she is such a lucky gal to be married to him.  Hey Claire, just know this: you hurt this cutie, and we hurt you. 

You can now see him in the new movie Martha Marcy May Marlene, with up-incomer Elizabeth Olsen!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Horror Movie Rules: Take 1

4 out of 5 times, the black person always dies. 

I didn't make these rules, well I made the statistic up, but it sounds logical.

Listen, I don't know why this is, I just know that it happens a lot.  A lot of the time, a person of color dies first, but there is the rare occasion when a person of color does survive (I've seen Deep Blue Sea, don't judge me).

The above pic is from Scream 2 and it is a pretty epic scene, it follows the rule I just mentioned, but it's also a really great scene, one of the best openings to a slasher film by far!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Costume Director: Part 6

Scream Queen!  You might have noticed that I like horror films.  Ehh...maybe not.

From the top: Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween, Sissy Spacek in Carrie, Mia Farrow in Rosemary's Baby, and Grace Kelly in Rear Window.

To go as Jamie(just so you know she's probably the most notorious Scream Queen) you will need a light blue collared shirt, awesome hip-huggers, and disheveled hair.

I posted that specific photo of Sissy so that you remember your outfit underneath all the splattered blood should still be darling because Carrie was a sweet girl.

For the lovely Mia you really only need a cute baby doll dress or maternity nightie, a fake bump, and delicate little pixie cut.

For Grace, I recommend you go full throttle!  You see the picture so embody the woman.  If anyone slutty cops call you Marilyn, you slap the girl until she screams and calls you a princess!  Okay, that last part really isn't necessary, but if you just so happen to do it I won't be angry.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

TV Pumpkins/ The Not So Spooky

The Addams Family (1964-1966)

 First came the fabulous TV show about a--how shall I say this?  Unusual family, yeah, I'll go with that!  Then again there's Pugsley, I always thought he was the normal one.  But I'm sure if you asked any of them, they'd call you weird.  The irony makes it so funny.  Any-who... the iconic show lasted 2 seasons (64 episodes) and you might be all too familiar with this:
The Addams Family (1991)

Addams Family Values (1993)
I'm young and the films were my first introduction to this eccentric family so naturally I love them more!!  Both film's plots have a focus on Uncle Fester, which I don't mind in any way.  They are stupendously funny!  I love the the second film so much more though and for two reasons.  One: the kids are sent to summer camp with the most Wonder Bread of kids you can imagine!  And you really do believe that Wednesday and Pugsley are the normal ones, or at least I did!  Two: Joan Cusack!  She delivers the stellar performance of a gold digging/mass-murdering seductress! 

Overall, great show, great movies!  Go out and watch some of it if you can!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Costume Director: Part 5

The Smoke Monster/Carbon Footprint

 I am fully aware that Lost ended, I'm not that hopeless, but the show has been on my mind lately, perhaps it's the whole Matthew Fox punching scandal or the-- who am I kidding?! It's the punching scandal!!
If you're not a Lost fan then this costume really isn't for you, but if you're feeling pretentious you can tell everyone that you're dressed as their carbon footprint!

1. You will need black underthings, pants, tights, dresses, shirts, whatever you got.

2. You will need lots and lots of black cotton balls, or anything you can make look like smoke should do, but cotton balls should do. 

3. On second thought, I suggest you go to a thrift store and pick out a black Halloween gown that was once for a witch or something because...

4. You will need to spray paint the cotton balls black, and glue them to the ensemble.

Eventually, you will have a smoke monster!  Or a carbon footprint!  And you are set for the night!

Make someone proud! Tootles.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Not So Spooky: The Harry Potter Series

Harry Potter and the...(2001-2011)
Oh admit it!  You love Harry Potter.  Stop pretending that you don't.  Now I'm a little skeptical about actually including this in The Not So Spooky segment because truth be told, I'm freaking scared bananas of the Inferi! I wanted to glue my eyes shut all through the ending of the Half Blood Prince!  Anyways, I don't really think you can say it's not very Halloween, granted I watch it more for Christmas and Thanksgiving, but they are witches and wizards.  Dark wizards, nonetheless.  Also, the villain has no nose, and I mean that's pretty scary in and of itself.  I also think that the werewolf, Fenrir Greyback, is super scary.  If I was in the Battle of Hogwarts I would be most terrified of Greyback, the spiders, and the sadistic Bellatrix Lestrange. 

By the way, I had a dream the other day that I was in the Battle of Hogwarts and I died.  I didn't see my death, I just knew by the things that I was saying that I was about to die.  The weirdest part is that I was okay with it (Gryffndor much?).  I guess my point of this tale is that Harry Potter isn't just about witches and wizards, it's about overcoming your fears and maintaining strong friendships (I say this with a smile on my face).

Watch it, watch it, watch it!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Spooks and Beats: The Monster Mash

If you've never heard the Monster Mash, then I don't know what to tell you.  So I'm gonna ask, have you been living in a cave?!

Anywho...the Monster Mash has been covered by many an artist and has been used in several television shows, including the excellent Tricks and Treats (Freaks and Geeks).

The original is by Bobby "Boris" Pickett and the Kryptkickers.  Please enjoy!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Cutie Patootie of the Week

Adam Scott!  Dearest Adam, did you know you're one of the cutest things on two legs?  Seriously!  I have never seen anyone age so well as you my friend.  Are you enjoying the fact that this is written specifically to you?  We hope so.  We must commend you on your ability to play jerks and your overall personality.  You're a gifted actor also, from your small film cameos to your incredible television work in Party Down and Parks and Recreation.  You have the cutest chin, especially in this next clip, which made us squirrels die this week.
Please, don't feel uncomfortable if we just want to pinch your cheeks in this scene (or at least I, Nichole, do).
Also, you are the best part of the movie Step Brothers!  The best!  And I'm sorry I could not find a good clip of you doing "Ice Ice Baby."
 You're style is also impeccable.

By the way, you're our second Adam in a row! (Just noticed that).

The rest of you can currently catch Adam Scott on the hit show, Parks and Recreation, airing Thursday nights on NBC.

Costume Director: Part 4

I'm so sick of this Pride and Prejudice and Zombies casting news, or the lack of it.  Please, find Elizabeth Bennet!  Until then, please feel free to recreate her for Halloween this year.
First off, you'll need a darling floor length dress, no gowns unless you're gonna commit to the hair!  For your ensemble I recommend you try the thrift store or the clearance section of the summer dresses.
 Next, either make yourself over "zombie style" like the cover or walk with a bunch of zombies at your side and make sure you're holding a sword.
Bonus points if you're joined by Mr. Darcy and quote the book all night!
Make me proud! Tootles.

The Horror Files: It's Alive

 Admittedly, no version of Frankenstein that exists is scary.  They're either intentionally or unintentionally funny.
Frankenstein (1931): This is marvelously entertaining. There's a reason that people associate Frankenstein as the name of the monster instead of the name of the scientist, and it's this film(which also isn't an accurate portrayal of the book).  Forget about the wrinkled sky and theatrical acting, just forget it, this film is incredible and that's my final statement on it.
Bride of Frankenstein (1935): I absolutely love Frankenstein, I do, but this film is a thousand times better!  It more accurately portrays why the monster is the way he is, and it's because the public treats him so negatively.  So he accidentally killed a local village girl in the first part, but he didn't understand what he was doing.  And now he's killing you all on purpose because you stare at him like he's some big ugly monster. Oh, right.

I say you make tonight a Frankenstein night! These are terrific films!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

TV Pumpkins: Modern Family

I'm a huge fan of Modern Family. Not only is it HILARIOUS, but it has a lot of heart. The actors really do a good job on showing how much this big family loves each other, even though the nice things they want to do for each other doesn't always come out as planned. With that being said, let's talk about the Season 2 Halloween episode of Modern Family! And like always, it didn't disappoint.

It starts with Phil learning that his neighbor is getting a divorce. As Phil usually does, he starts to think that Claire, his wife, is getting tired of him. So to "spice" things up he tries to be spontaneous, the Phil way. But as typical Phil, his good intentions aren't clear, so instead of making Claire feel special, he just gets in the way of Claire building her haunted house.

On the other side, Gloria, played by Sofia Vergara is having a bad day because Manny and Jake keep making fun of the way she talks.

And Mitchell has a bad day at his new work when he dresses up as Spiderman, until he finds out that nobody dresses up in his work, except the two "uncool" workers that everybody makes fun of.

The episode ends with the whole family having a breakdown in Claire's haunted house. But at the end of the episode they all find a way to work through their problems and do something nice to Claire!

This is a super fun episode! And their costumes were so much fun. I can not stress it enough how much I love this show!

By: Mariela

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

TV Pumpkins

How I Met Your Mother The Slutty Pumpkin

Oh Ted, you're always hanging on to some girl that you met, that you may or may not have had a real connection with.  One of my favorites, has to be the slutty pumpkin.  Why?  Because she's a mystery.  Ted wears the same costume every year in the hopes that the slutty pumpkin will be at the same party and remember meeting him all those years ago(2001).  Well the slutty pumpkin shall remain a mystery no more!  I have it on good authority that Katie Holmes was hired to play the role, and good authority means I read it on the internet.
Also, Lily and Marshall are being their usual perfect couple selves and trying to win a costume contest.  Their also trying to show Robin what it means to be in a couple.
Oh, and Barney changes his costume a bunch of times to try and get into some girl's pants, whom he's already upset.  But it's not his fault, he was supposed to go to the Victoria's Secret party.

Overall, this is a hilarious episode filled with lots of Halloween fun!