First word and first letter: I.
Whenever characters on Gossip Girl have a rising chemistry there comes a time when it is hard to communicate any further. There are things they want to say, that cannot be said. They ache inside because they have been drowned in a sea of butterflies galore (wait what?). Okay this scenario only happens when one of the people with budding chemistry is Blair Waldorf.
Second word and letters 2- 5: love.
Who cannot help but love Blair Waldorf?! I adore her! It all started with the first episode and a catty girl wearing a darling black dress with sheer sleeves and an oversized bow on her head! Catty? Yes. That's the word for the character I knew I would root for. You have to understand that I have OD'd from my television on numerous occasions and that I already knew that if someone displayed the characteristics the lovely BW displayed that she was being misunderstood. I think you're having a hard time following.
Brief history of the misunderstood Blair Waldorf up until the pilot: Blair's father left her mother to pursue the way that he was born (gay). Blair's mother has never played a major role in her life, in fact the maid Deroda is more motherly with her. Also, Blair's boyfriend since grade school(I'm taking your word Chuck Bass) has always had a thing for Serena. Cue Serena (Tall, outrageous, party crazed BFF). Blair has always found the need to compete with Serena, she even suffers from bulimia.
That's as much of a history as I'm going to lay out.
Third word, letters 6-8: you.
I love you! Those are the very three words, eight letters it took Chuck Bass 2 seasons to find the courage to say! Those are the same three words, eight letters that were allowing Dan Humphrey to run off with BW! Do I really have to wait another full season to hear someone else say that to her?! Please, give me my Dair! I beg of you.
This is how easy it is to say, "I love you!" I love you Blair Waldorf, I do! You're headbands, you're outfits, your education, you're starring role in the Age of Innocence opposite Dan Humphrey, your intolerance of girls that wear leggings as pants, your love of Audrey and macaroons, your taste in literature and knowledge of the world, and movies at the forum! Dan Humphrey/Gossip Girl writers, I beg of you to allow three words, eight letters to be said this season!
That is all.