Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Speak Now

All of us Little Squirrels have different taste in music, it is so different that sometimes its hard to understand how we are friends. With that being said, Nichole and I had the opportunity to go to a T.Swizzle, AKA. Taylor Swift concert last Sunday, and we loved every minute of it.

To start off there were the cutest little girls dressed up in sparkly stuff. It made me want to have a daughter just to be able to take her to a Taylor Swift concert.

Despite the hour wait for the concert to start (two opening acts), we enjoyed the first performance, Josh Kelley, which in case you didn't know he is Katherine Heigl's husband. Nichole and I fell in love with him, he was the cutest, and he also rapped the Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

Anyways if I could describe the concert in three words, it would be epic, fun, and cute.

Her outfit changes were amazing! And there were a LOT of surprises! Such as, Ellen Degeneres jumping up from under the stage, and "performing", "Our Song", with her! I was freaking out. I love Ellen.

(I was proud of my creation)

Another epic moment was when Taylor sang "Back to Decemeber", a song rumored to about the short lived relationship she had with Taylor Lautner. In the middle she said "this is the song for the boy from Michigan", and we were all wondering if Mr. Lautner was from Michigan. The concert continued and all of a sudden we see Taylor S. go up and give a hug to freaking REESE WITHERSPOON, and her kids. And next.... TAYLOR LAUTNER. We all screamed, Nichole and I because we realized he was totally there when she sang that song. (Unlike other girls, we are not Taylor Lautner fans). Oh and Ashley Greene and Colbie Caillat were there too.

After this exciting event, Miss. Swift went back to the main stage and all of a sudden she starts rapping (extremely cute) to Nikki Minaj, and then Nikki Minaj, pops up on stage too! The crowd went nuts. I mostly went nuts, because Swifty was rapping and dancing ridiculously cute.

(Nichole with THE poster)

So these were the highlights, it even rained glitter. It was all stupendously cute, with ballerinas, fireworks, and all that jazz. It was like watching a play with music. I loved Taylor Swift before, but this show just made my love and respect for her increase. She definetely left her heart and soul on that stage and I love how she is willing to share her life stories with her fans.

Love you T.Swizzle!

By: Mariela!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Favorite Movies of the Summer

Today marks the last day of my summer vacation. It's been a short summer, but in the four un-consecutive weeks that I had there was a tea party, a slumber party, "star gazing", and lots and lots of movies.
I went to the movies on 6 different occasions and wound up watching 5 different movies. I'm only going to give you my top 3 because while the other 2 weren't terrible, they just didn't strike a special chord in me. I also want to note that I only saw blockbusters this summer, which is shocking for me. I usually only watch one and all comedies. That aside, here we go.

3. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
I give props to any movie that makes me wanna drop out of school and join PETA while watching it. That's what the film did for me. I'm not going to go through with it, but it really does shine a new light on captivity.
The movie has a lot going for it though. It is spectacularly acted. I can only give so much credit to James Franco and John Lithgow, but it's obvious who the real star of the film is. Andy Serkis shines as Ceasar, the ape that is the central focus of the film. If you don't know who Andy Serkis is then I can only describe him as an angel from the CGI heavens. He played King Kong in Peter Jackson's remake and is best known for another of Jackson's films, the Lord of the Rings trilogy where he plays Gollum. Acting without dialogue is a task for some actors, but Serkis does it with ease and he gives Ceasar the proper "human qualities" required for such a role, and it is there that the emotional quality of the film shines most. If the Academy Awards were to honor motion-capturing actors this year, I'd go as far as saying Serkis would win Best Actor.
Can I also just say that this is what CGI should look like! I don't want to walk into a film and automatically identify where they used CGI, not to disrespect any film. I'll be honest though, if I didn't care to learn about films while they were in production then I would believe that every ape in this film was real. Maybe it makes me sound dumb, but I honestly believe it was done that well in this film.
On a last note, this film is highly recommended if you hated Tim Burton's revival of Planet of the Apes.

2. Super 8

Films like this speak to the childhood I wish I had. Don't get me wrong I didn't have a bad childhood, but I didn't have friends like the children of this movie do. We didn't make zombie movies, although I wish we had. The bond of these kids is so well executed, I'd call it an instant classic.
You know how Steven Spielberg's films usually end up spectacular? Well add this to the list. That isn't the only reason you should watch Super 8, but it's good to add credibility.J.J. Abrams stands as director, so as dorks my brother and I wore our Lost shirts to show our support. Once again I wasn't disappointed.
I saw a lot of elements of this film that made me love it even more. I saw the emotional depth from E.T. and even the spooky moments from Lost. I saw the adventure of the Goonies and the friendship of Stand By Me. I am really trying to sell the film for you if you can't tell.
On another note, it made me care deeply about the characters. I mean the type of care that you don't normally see in a summer blockbuster that isn't part of a series.
Recommended for fans of Spielberg and Abrams.

1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

If you know me, you'd be an idiot to think I wouldn't put this at the top of my list. I don't even think its me being biased. The film is incredible! It was so good I seen it twice, one midnight 3D screening, and one 2d screening. The movie was equally good both times.
I laughed. I cried. I said "what the f***."
There was no better way to end my favorite series of all time. Well in all honestly it will never end, but you know what I mean.
The Battle of Hogwarts was epic. The Prince's Tale was the tear inducing, gut wrencher I knew it would be. We fans got the kiss we'd been waiting for to be played out on screen. And you either smiled or giggled.
If I can't sell you on the plot, let me sell you on Alan Rickman. He delivered my favorite performance of the year, sorry Andy. It probably won't happen, but I would like to throw his name in for Best Supporting Actor. If you can have me cry for 5 minutes straight and tear up every now and then, then you deserve that award! Rickman nails it when he shows us why you should never question Albus Dumbledore's trust.
Rickman's performance is one for the ages, but The Deathly Hallows Part 2 is by far my favorite Potter film. It wasn't entirely loyal to the book, so it says something for me to list it so high. It managed to surprise me and even love the things thrown in the film that weren't in the books. It gave me the couple I always wanted! It gave me the cinematic experience.
I can't gush any more, so I'll end it at this: Recommended for all Potter fans!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cutie Patootie of the Week

You're looking at the lucky man of the week!  Paul Rudd.  Why?  Because he's been around for almost two decades and he only manages to get more charming and hysterical.  He's never really been painted as the Hollywood hunk but he's earned himself quite a following.  Two of us squirrels were lucky to catch the smallest glimpse of him in person, and it was even more obvious why he earned that following.  It's seems like only yesterday that we were jealous of Alica Silverstone. (sigh).
How do you not wanna make a voodoo doll of any gal that grabs his attention?  Kidding.  We know he's a taken man but that doesn't make him any less desirable.  You can join the rest of us and admire him in his fictional roles.  Whether it's Clueless, Knocked Up, Anchor Man, or even that one time he played John Lennon, we love him!  Aside from acting, Rudd is a triple threat, he is a writer, producer extraordinaire.  You can catch him this weekend in Our Idiot Brother.
He should add dancer to his resume.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"I Die"

This is a post about a seriously addictive catchphrase. I'll admit I only ever saw 3 episodes of Rachel Zoe's reality show, but even then I realized she had a bizarre way of phrasing things. Do you love something? When Rachel loves something, it's "bananas!" When Rachel really loves something she says "I die." She isn't dying, but it's her way of stating her appreciation.

One day I really liked something, and "I die[d]." Ever since that day, my squirrels and I may or may not have died too many times. But we're stating our appreciation.

And we're telling you about this because in the near future (it probably happened already), we're just gonna start using it. I've tried not to use it because I know everyone isn't familiar with Rachel Zoe, but now you've been warned.

Remember when you are over the moon about something that it is better to say it then do it.

Thank You!

Today our little blog has reached 500 views. It is pretty incredible to us, and we are so proud of it. Thank you all who have come and stopped by, we only ask you to keep visiting and recommending it to any other woodland creatures you may know.

So we have virtually thrown a tea party for all of our little visitors! Enjoy :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Things I Learned From High School Movies- Part 2

Alright, we've all seen a teen movie or two. And if you're already done with high school, you know that they are entirely accurate. If you haven't experienced high school yet, beware... In honor of this back to school season, I am going to clue you in.

Part 2: Makeovers

There are several things about movie makeovers that you need to know!

If you wear glasses and take them off, you're instantly pretty. Glasses make even the prettiest girls look drabby. For example, in She's All That, nobody could tell Laney was pretty beneath those spectacles. Lesson: Ditch the glasses four eyes!

Once you receive a makeover you will become a heinous monster! You will be mean to everyone, like Tai in Clueless.

Lesson: You've earned the right to call the person who has been so gracious to you, "a virgin who can't drive!"

You will make dumb decisions, such as ignoring the nice guy that's actually better looking for the jerk that looks like a Backstreet Boy knockoff. Example: The Princess Diaries
Lesson: Go for the guy that made fun of you up until the day he found out you were a princess, he's a keeper!

You must get the makeover to get the guy! And you must dress the way the rest of his women have in the past, it usually means slutty! Take Grease for example.

Lesson: Boys like tight clothes and lots of makeup, and if you like boys then you must get with the program.

Gilmore Girls & My Favorite Character

I have been re-discovering my love for Gilmore Girls this summer. I started watching this show during my early teenage years, but unfortunately I never had the opportunity to see the earlier seasons until recently. Although this show has a lot of loveable characters: Sookie (the food obsessive cook), and one of my faves Tristan from season one, played by Chad Michael Murray. A character that will always be my all time fave is (drum roll) Jess, played by Milo Ventimiglia, also known from Heroes.

Jess comes to season 2 with a "bad boy" image, now I usually hate bad boys, I do not have a thing for them and do not find them attractive, but Jess is different. (Luckily for me he loses his bad boy image as the seasons progress). Any who, Jess is a "bad boy" with a quality that I and along with all of us little squirrels like in a man, he likes to read and references literature and music throughout his Gilmore Girls appearences.
This boy is amazing, he reads while he walks. Period. Now I am gonig to talk about some of my favorite Jess moments.

1. When he first meets Rory he "borrows" (not to say steals) a book from her book shelf. He later returns it and tells her he added some notes along the borders. That is the cutest thing. See, bad boy (steals), but how romantic is it to write notes on the side of a book. That just makes my bookish heart pitter patter.

2. Jess smokes. Yeah yeah I am not to excited about that but he totally reconsiders smoking when it means he might not kiss Rory. The conversation goes something like this:
Rory: Are you going to smoke that?
Jess: depends...
Rory: On what?
bla bla bla
then this......

And trust me he totally forgets about that cigarette.

3. There is also the time where he disappears for about a year, and Rory is heartbroken. He then returns, and after literally chasing Rory around Stars Hallow and a bit of witty argumentation, Jess just says "I love you" and walks away. Really Jess? What gives you the right to be so perfect and leave girls, especially Rory, speechless.

So I invite my fellow little squirrels and you to add in and comment on your favorite Jess episodes.

By: Mariela!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cutie Patootie of the Week

It's been a week of lazy posts, and we apologize. We blame Jim Sturgess for being so darn cute in all those One Day previews. If you haven't guessed yet, yes, he is our choice of the week. That British accent is like hypnosis, and we can't do anything but watch. Don't get us wrong, we don't mind! Have you seen the boy?!

We admit that he doesn't have the boldest features, but all rolled into one he makes the soft brown hair and eyes work with the kind, warm smile and dimples. Why? Confidence, my little friends. It really does go a long way. Remember that we squirrels are attracted to smart men, so to make it fitting, Jim studied at the University of Salfords when he was 16 and he studied all of the behind the scene aspects of the film industry. Jim is also a musician with a nice voice. Are you dying yet? If you haven't gotten the chance to catch Jim acting, you are really missing out because the guy gives it a lot of heart. We really don't have much more to say about Jim because evidence is enough justification that he is a cutie patootie, and you can also catch him in One Day, now playing.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mr. Kelly & Mr. Astaire

For those not familiar with Fred Astaire, or Gene Kelly, let me introduce you to my pals.
(see they were even rocking the ironic 'stache before anyone else)

In my mind they are these glamorous gents that will come to my house for a fancy dinner as soon as I give them a call. Ok so maybe I never knew them personally, but when you watch these men sing, dance, or act, you just want to be their leading lady in the movie. That's right people these guys were triple threats, something that is now mostly seen on Broadway.

You may be more familiar with Gene Kelly for his epic role in Singing in the Rain. Story has it that he had a very intense fever while filming this dance routine and it only took him one take! In another movie he is also tap dancing while on roller skates! Seriously, you guys should youtube this if you haven't seen it.

Gene Kelly just makes my heart pitter patter, to me, he is the defenition of a gentleman. I mean, which guy does a four minute dance routine in the rain just because he kissed his girl?! Ok, I know this is just a movie but still, it was in the 1950's.

As for Astaire, his movies are said to have been a distraction for people in America during the great depression in the 1930's. He was such a little cutie pie. I mean he has tap dancing talents beyond belief, and in the film "Top Hat" he sings to his leading lady "Isn't this a lovely day to get cought in the rain". He sings this just because the rain has forced his love to stay under this town square thing and hear some of his sweet talkin'. Swoon! And of course they then share a lovely dance.

Both Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire just have this magical charisma that is so hard to find in actors nowadays. Their movies are just pure joy and love. They get happy with the simplest thing, such as getting a kiss, or being able to walk a girl home. Cuteness overload.

So when its a rainy day I highly recommend to find one of their movies on Netflix, youtube, or your local rental shop and enjoy it under a warm blanket. It will take you back to a time where life and love were simpler.

By: Mariela

Things I Learned From High School Movies- Part 1

Alright, we've all seen a teen movie or two. And if you're already done with high school, you know that they are entirely accurate. If you haven't experienced high school yet, beware... In honor of this back to school season, I am going to clue you in.

Part 1: The Most Popular Girl in School

Chris Hargensen. Claire Standish. Heathers (Chandler, Duke, McNamara). Cher Horowitz. Regina George. All of them just happen to be the most popular girls at their school, but are their lives perfect?

Chris Hargensen was a mega-b**** in Carrie! Pig's blood was her idea! I'd love to say that she really grew as a person in the end, but telekinesis is also a b****. Sorry Chris, not really.

Lesson: Don't you ever pour pig's blood on anybody, and if you know someone that will mock you when you "become a woman" you best stay away from them.

Claire Standish (the Breakfast Club) isn't exactly a mean girl, but if you spend an entire day in detention with her don't expect her to say "hi" to you in the halls. Then again she did give her diamond earring (just the one) to the school rebel.
Lesson:Don't believe that girl with dandruff when she says she's telling the truth and you can learn how to put on lipstick with your breasts. Oh and Claire's "a fat girl's name."

Next up the Heathers (Heathers). I don't want to tell you that if you're name is Heather that you are going to die, but if you keep acting like one then it might just happen; also, buy your own corn nuts! Another rule, if you are the most popular girl in school and all of your minions share your first name, please for the love of God play croquet! It's much more wicked than cheerleading.

Lesson: If you hate your friends kill them and stage it as a suicide. Or kill the boy that's convincing you to do it.

Cher Horowitz (Clueless) is a blessing in disguise. Sure she's the most popular girl in school, she's a little stuck up, and has a computerized stylist, but there's more beneath the surface. She wants to do something good for mankind! And we can respect that. She also loves makeovers (more on that later). Girl went through hard times.

Lesson: Don't wear "an Alaia" to a party in the valley because you might get mugged later and forced down on your dress. Don't try to change someone because they might turn into a snob. If a guy you like dresses better than you, you can bring nothing to the relationship (because he's gay); and don't try to snuggle with him during "Sporatacus." And if you're ex step brother is Paul Rudd it's okay to date him!

"Regina George is an evil dictator" (Mean Girls). No joke. She is the ultimate Queen B because she can put anyone and everyone in their place (the girl made her parents switch rooms with her)! She knows how to win back an ex, start terrible rumors, and even get an entire school's girl population to turn on each other. She's wicked.Lesson: If the most popular girl in school compliments something of your's she is lying and will make fun of you and it later! If you like her ex, you either don't be her friend, or learn to hate him. If you start acting like her and her friends, you've gone too far, and you're "cold, shiny, hard plastic!" Most importantly, "on Wednesdays we wear pink."

These are important lessons, but remember: there's more to come.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Cutie Patootie of the Week

And the winner this week is Elijah Wood! This cutie has been acting for quite some time and has been a cutie ever since. He has some of the most beautiful blue eyes. Any little squirrel would love to get lost in those dazzling blue eyes. I could spend all day talking about his beautiful eyes, but to be a cutie patootie, you need more than just looks.

His first big role was in Lord of the Rings trilogy as Frodo. His acting was superb, along with all his other cast mates. Who wouldn't dream of being with the hobbit that saved Middle Earth; he is a hero.

His most recent role is Ryan in the show Wilfred. He plays a young man who sees his neighbors dog, Wilfred, as a man in a dog suit. It is a really strange but hilarious show. It is one of the best new shows this year. Be sure to check it out on FX on Thursday, check your local listings for the times. You do not want to miss this show. You will laugh every episode and be left wishing it wasn't over.

Why Didn't I Get the Hello Kitty Memo?!

I first want to say that I am not here to rant on Hello Kitty or anyone that loves it.

With that said, let me move on. I don't get it! I honestly don't. I can pass by the Hello Kitty section of Best Buy all the time or the Sanrio store without dying over everything. There are so many other girls that can't do that, so instead of ranting on them, I ask the important question. Is something wrong with me?

When I was about 8 years old McDonalds did this cool Hello Kitty plush collectibles thing; I'm not sure if they came with the happy meal or if you had to pay extra for them, but my mom started getting them for me (I only have one left for some reason). I thought they were super cool, but now that I look back at it, it wasn't because of the famed white cat. I just thought it was super cool to collect something.

I don't want to hear the "you're just trying hard not to like it" phrase either because that is just the complete opposite of me. Ask my brother, and if he actually listens to me, he'll tell you that I always say "I wish I loved Hello Kitty." I say that almost every time I pass the Hello Kitty section. Because I do want to love it! I want to love the mini fridge, the microwave, key chains, key boards, headphones, etc. I honestly do because I love to geek out (I can quote Rowling in my sleep), and that's the spectrum that I put the fans of the cat in. [I actually have mad respect for the toaster, and I'd like mine to say "Pop Pop!" (Community) or have the Hogwarts Crest].

If you're reading this and think I'm, how the kids say these days, "just hatin'", well then you've completely missed my point.

I want to join in with y'all and say ther her (is she a she, I honestly don't know) stuff is so cute. I used to pretend that I was super into it because everyone else was at a certain time in my life. I actually wish now that something had triggered then when I was pretending, but sadly it didn't. Why haven't the Hello Kitty gods truly opened me with open arms? If you know why, please tell me!

Signed Desperately Seeking the Answers as to Why I Didn't Get the Memo

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Get Your Matt & Kim On!

I say, if you have never been to a Matt & Kim show you should add it to your bucket list. I had the privilege of seeing them at the Music Box in Hollywood on June 17. Even though there are only two members in this band, hence the name Matt & Kim, they are filled with energy and make as much noise as a band with five members. It is amazing how energetic and interactive they are with the crowd. They really know how to have fun on and off stage. Matt plays the keys and sings while Kim hammers the drums with delight and joy, like seriously, she always has a smile on while she plays the drums. June 17 was the first time I saw them live and what an experience that was! I've been a fan for the past three years or so, and that night consisted of everything, and I mean EVERYTHING!!! There were mosh pits, crowd surfing, and crowd walking. I myself joined the mosh pit with my brother and his friend. Kim literally crowd walked and started booty was EPIC! I kid you not, the show was pretty much a party with balloons and confetti everywhere. I went with my brother and two other friends who have never heard of them. Lets just say they had a blast and fell in love with them....LITERALLY!!! Overall, it was an AWESOME night! Just saying, if have never seen them or listened to their music you should really give them a try. I can't wait when they are back in LA for more shows because I am definitely going again! :D
BTW, I seriously got their whole show on tape! So here's a clip, enjoy! :)

By: Gaby.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Laundry Wars

Here's the dealio, I live with my parents and brother in some apartment/condo situation. I'm totally cool with that. I have never had a realy problem with it up unitl recently.

If you live in apartments or maybe you dorm, you know that there are not nearly enough washers and dryers for the number of tenants. There is a lot of waiting involved so if you want your stuff done quickly you best be an early bird. I decided to do afternoon laundry today. No big problem on a Tuesday, right? Wrong! Sometimes someone else is ther, okay often someone else is there. But if they are not using the other washer, it is fair game, emphasis on fair because that's how I'd rather play in such a game.

Well not everyone plays fair unfortunately. Sometimes, you might want to ensure that you get your laundry done first. Sometimes you will wait in there to scare the other person off, which works. That's a method I can deal with actually because at least it is semi-fair.

Sometimes you leave your underwear in the dryer so that when someone else's load finishes first you get it anyway. This is a method I can't deal with. Why?! It's distasteful. You know that either somebody would not want to touch it or would feel too embarrassed to telly you "sorry, I had to take your stuff out so that I may dry my clothes." (Embarrassing because you both know what the "stuff" is). Also, I'm not so sure that they were clean.

Am I a pushover, rightfully disgusted, or was I a too kind person that didn't want to lose their temper? My vote is on the last two.

Seriously if you want the dryer, and you know that your clothes will not be done washing before the other person, you either let them have it or wait in the laundry room. Don't resort to cheap methods like leaving your maybe, dirty underwear in the dryer, this isn't politics. It's laundry!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Let's Talk Fashion: Episode 1

Today i will talk about a fashion trend that I have loved ever since I started caring about what guys wear. I introduce to you the bow tie and suspenders combination.

I do not know why I love it so much but it must be my obsession with anything that reminds me of a classic 1950's or 1960's (when men actually wore suits on a daily basis) look. Or maybe its the fact that it has a nerdy "connotation" to it. Point is I am convinced that this look makes 95% of guys look like a 10. (Let's be real here, I think I could mention some guys that would NOT look cute in this outfit...on the top of my head I think of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson).

When we live in a world where some guys wear basketball shorts outisde of their home to go to school, (Like really? Please make an effort to get dressed. Last time I checked it was not so hard to put on some jeans. The only exception is if you just had basketball practice or just worked out), it makes me glad that there are some guys that have a bow tie in their closets or at least have worn one in their lifetimes.

I guarantee you this trend will never go out of style. I dream of a world where guys will walk around wearing bow ties and suspenders and opening the door to every young lady, while making conversations about history and literature.

By: Mariela!

Charlie is so cool like

I have recently gotten into watching Charlie McDonnell's YouTube videos. He is a very cute British "lad," and what comes with being British? A British accent! Very lovely. I'm a sucker for British accents, amongst many other. He has some very cute videos of him singing. At first I was reluctant to see them because I didn't think he could be that good of a singer, but my fellow little squirrel Mariela told me he was actually pretty good. So I gave him a try. His voice is good, but the thing that I love the most is that he doesn't use the usual instruments, some of his instruments aren't even instruments.

But enough about his voice. The first video I saw of him was one of his Challenge Charlie videos. In these videos Charlie does some challenges that his viewers sent him. My favorite of his Challenge Charlie videos is when he painted his whole body purple. I think it is my favorite because my favorite color is purple and I kinda wish I was purple...

Charlie also has some Fun Science videos in which he explains to his viewers some science trivia that most people might not know. He isn't just musical and entertaining, he is also smart (what every woman wants in a man). In his video for light he explains how running at the speed of light would work and even tries to show it for the visual learners.

Charlie has a handful of other very interesting videos that you will want to check out. You might even get a little to see him without his pants... ;]

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Birthday Spotlight: Lucille Ball

A century ago a cheery, red headed, blue eyed, baby girl was born. Well we weren't there, but we imagine that the baby that grew up to be Lucille Ball was cheery. She died in 1989 but somehow she still lives.

Remember when you were in elementary and they told you the definition of a legacy. Well we do, and we dare anyone to tell us that Lucille lives forever because of her legacy.

We four squirrels were born after her passing, but we know her name. We know her face. We know that we can watch and enjoy her company any day of the week. She inspired at least one squirrel here and several all around the world by showing that a woman could be just as funny, if not funnier, than men.

It's late in the day, sure, but if you find yourself needing a pick me up, allow yourself to enjoy Lucy with modern age technology. We love youtube just as much as we love Lucy.

Happy Birthday Lucille!

Astronaut Ice Cream

So, I'm perusing the aisle of one of my favorite electonic stores, and what do I stumble upon. Astronaut Ice Cream! I was in a fit of joy, a rush of ecstasy(not the drug), I found something that defies gravity.

I have one rule for Astronaut Ice Cream and one rule only. If you see it in a store, you don't not buy it! It's a must! I don't care if it is on the same rack as Astronaut Beef Stew, you buy it. You buy it because you will never regret it.

I was going to opt for the classice ice cream sandwich flavor, but then I realized that they had mint chocolate chip. I love mint chocolate chip, it's crazy good. But Astronaut Ice Cream that comes in mint chocolate chip flavor is a Rachel Zoe quote. "BANANAS!" I'm just gonna stop typing because I am still trying to get over it. If you happen to stumble upon it in a store near you, you know my rule! Good luck, I'm going to go listen to something delightful now.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Cutie Patootie of the Week

Little Squirrels nominates Tom Felton as cutie patootie of the week. Other than his evident dashing good looks and british accent, Mr. Felton, deserves the label of "evil villain we love to hate". Despite being cast in bad guy roles, such as Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter series, Tom is the total opposite in real life, displaying a bubbly and playful personality in interviews. I guess that is why he is called an actor! Plus any guy that tweets that he and his friends got "fits of giggles" is cute in our book. You can currently see Tom Felton in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, and in Rise of the Planet of the Apes, along with one of our favorites, James Franco.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Okay, I don't normally like to rant, but this calls for an emergency. I ride the bus, that's what I do because I'm a lazy squirrel that doesn't know how to drive. I love the bus, well one branch in particular. I've been riding from another branch this past week and I really do try to deal with it, even though this particular numbered bus barely goes faster than my snail friends. Today it was moving at the same speed as a snail friends, so I look outside the window and see what is going on.

I see this:

I'm not going to ridicule Christopher Lloyd. This is a movie, and it actually works for him, but when I see a teenager, maybe 17-19, sporting this look, I worry. I worry more because I realized that I've seen a lot of guys sporting this look lately. A lot! I'm not kidding either. They are bleaching their hair to look like this. I'm sorry fellas, but why? Why do that to yourself? If it was a joke maybe I would understand, but I've seen it too often to believe that could be true.

It reminds me of a tree, I mean no one actually thinks that the carpets and drapes are matching in this scenario. If you know anyone sporting this look, I urge to slip some hair remover into their shampoo. It's for their own good.
And if you are sporting this look, please do not ride your bike going 1/2 a mile per hour in front of a moving car, nontheless the bus!! And if you dare try doing this in front of my bus just know that I can have your head, I am not condoning violence, just know that it can happen.

Signed- A very angry squirrel

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Lessons from the Wizard of Oz

I have always loved the Wizard of Oz and I think Judy Garland is fabulous. As I have grown up and watched the Wizard of Oz I have learned that it is much more than just a movie with munchkins in it. So here are some important lessons learned from the Wizard of Oz.

Wizard of Oz: You are talking to a man who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom and chuckled at catastrophe.

-The Wizard of Oz is the most powerful man in the land of Oz. One thing he never seems to have lost is his sense of humor. Here we learn that the key to success is LAUGHTER. It does not matter what kind of pickle you are in, it is key to just laugh it off and try to make the best of any bad situation, because in the end, things always get better.

Wizard of Oz: As for you, my galvanized friend, you want a heart. You don't know how lucky you are not to have one. Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable.

Tin Woodsman: But I still want one.

-Here the movie touches on heart break, sadness, and deception. The Tin Man perfers to feel any kind of emotion rather than not feel anything at all. Even though sadness is sometimes unbearable, it is better to feel some emotion, than nothing at all.

Wizard: Not having fear isn't brave, it's foolhardy. Any real hero knows fear.

Cowardly Lion: I'll tell you one thing though, so does a real coward.

Wizard: The difference is a hero masters his fear

-This is one is quite simple. Being fearless is being brave enough to stand up to your fears and conquering them. Letting them know who is boss!

Glinda the Good Witch: You've always had the power to go back to Kansas!

-This is the part where the Good Witch tells Dorothy that the power lies in her ADORABLE ruby slippers. Sometimes the answer to your problems, questions is just under your nose. It was always in Dorothy's power to go back to Kansas. We all have the power to change our lives and go wherever we want to go and accomplish our dreams. The power lies in our hands, or shoes!

By: Mariela

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Kevin McCallister Syndrome

Hello Squirrels and any other creature you might find yourself to be, 

As a way of getting to know me, I thought I’d let you know that I care for the well-being of society.  Whenever I can I try to inform those dearest to me about life threatening diseases, so I welcome you with open arms today.  I warn you to please brace yourself for the Kevin McCallister Syndrome.

 The disease gets its name from Home Alone, when the film’s young protagonist, the Kevin McCallister, decides to take war on a pair of “wet bandits” trying to rob his home.  When Kevin makes his life threatening decision he utters the most chilling words from an 11 year old, platinum blond, pouty lipped male ever!  “This is my home, I have to defend it!”  Dun, dun, dun!  No just kidding, it’s not a horror movie.  But speaking of the genre, most of its characters seem to suffer KMS.  You know what I mean if you have ever yelled, “What the heck are you doing?  Stay with the group you numnut!,” whenever someone wants to investigate or be a hero.
If you haven’t caught on you might be in danger.  KMS occurs with a simple lapse in judgement.  One who suffers KMS is one that is already in danger in their home, but instead of running out screaming for help decides to take manners into their own hands.  It is a very risky move, that’s why it’s called  a lapse in judgment, many people have died.
Let’s take a look back at a few of those that lost their lives from KMS and those lucky ones that lived to tell the story.
Carrie (1976)/ Starring Sissy Spacek, Piper Laurie:
Carrie's mom Margaret is just your average gal.  She holds her Christian values to the highest "T", which means she must ward her house of everything evil, including her slutty, demonic, telepathic daughter.  If you have seen this movie you know that Carrie is only one of the three, but that doesn't stop Margaret, who SPOILERT ALERT, tries to kill her but meets her end with her daughter.  Oh and the house was brought down too. 

The Goonies (1985)/ Starring Sean Astin, Josh Brolin:
Alright now the actual film does not take place inside the home, but when Mikey sets forth on his adventure with his friends, he is attempting to protect his home one last time from the land buyers.  He hopes he might find treasure so he takes a map he finds in his attic and it leads them to a restaurant basement.  All I have to say is that the next time you find a dead body in a restaurant freezer you don't send the one friend who was too slow to get underground with y'all to send for help, especially when he is known for telling silly stories about the Jacksons coming over to his house.  Anyways Mikey and his friends go further underground, they find a wishing well, another dead body, and a pirate ship with more dead bodies.  Oh and treasure!  Now things turned out well for Mikey and his friends, they got to keep their homes, but they could have totally gotten killed along the way, they were held hostage, the ground could have collapsed, the cave did collapse.  I'm just saying, things get crazy when you decide to go treasure hunting underneath Olive Garden.

Fear (1996)/ Starring Reese Witherspoon, Mark Wahlberg:
Sweet, young Nicole just started dating an older guy, David with a creepy boyish voice.  Her dad Steve is totally fine with it.  Ok, he isn't, and when he finds out that he has every reason to hate him, Steve lets David know.  He threatens the kid to stay away from his 16 year old daughter, but David is totally psycho and makes everyone believe that Steve physically abused him with his self inflicted wounds.  So of course Steve tries again and wrecks havoc on David's home that he shares with a bunch of guys that you would never invite to Sunday dinner.  Steve sees no way for David to know it was him, and even if he did there is no way he could retaliate because he designed the security system on his own home (don’t we all?).  Little does Steve know that David got the code from Nicole when they were still going out and he and his friends mean business.  SPOILER ALERT: Steve makes it out alive in the end, although he and his entire family were almost killed several times.  The security guy, David and his friends, and the family dog were not so lucky.

Twelve and Holding (2005)/ Starring Conor Donovan, Jesse Camacho:
"This is my tree house, I have to defend it." Ok, no one in the movie says that, but it would be really cool if they had.  This is a little indie gem about how important it is to come of age, but before any of them can do that, they have to grieve a terrible death.  Rudy, his twin brother Jacob, and their two friends Leonard and Malee have a tree house and they are also bullied by the local twelve year old hoodlums in their neighborhood.  One day when trying to defend themselves, the gang throws a bucket of urine on the bullies (because we all have one lying around), and to no one's surprise, the bullies don't like that.  They threaten to destroy the tree house so Rudy and Leonard camp out inside the house that night in order to defend it, but tragedy strikes when the boys fall asleep and the bullies throw a bottle of fire up on the assumption that nobody was inside.  THIS IS NOT A SPOILER ALERT BECAUSE THIS IS WHERE THE STORY BEGINS.  Leonard lives and Rudy sadly never makes it out alive.  On a sidenote the film also stars the late great independent film star Jeremy Renner.  Renner isn't dead but after years of neglect from Hollywood he is finally getting the attention he deserves, but the chances of him ever doing an independent film again are slim to none.

Paranormal Activity (2007)/ Starring Katie Featherston, Micah Sloat:
Micah and his Lauren Conrad eyed girlfriend, Katie have been experiencing some unusual activity in their home.  Like any normal person would, Micah gets down to the bottom of it and decides to film the whole thing from their bedroom.  Several days, and an attempted Ouija board game later he finds out that there is indeed a paranormal presence in their home.  But he kind of doesn't do anything because it is totally starting to grow on Katie who likes to watch her boyfriend standing up for several hours while he sleeps (nothing weird about that).  Everything turns out well in the end even though it is entirely creepy oh and SPOILER ALERT, Micah totally gets his limp body thrown to the camera by Katie the same way that LC would have done it to Spencer Pratt had she the crazy, demon strength.

Home Alone (1990)/ Starring Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci:
I can't make a list about KMS without including the originator.  I won't bother with the spoiler reminder because they made a sequel and it is just as awesome.  I do warn however that just because you seen Kevin succeed does not mean you should try to booby-trap your own home.  Real burglars are not as stupid in real life, well maybe they are, but that doesn’t mean you should test their patience.

By Nichole