Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back to school

So for many, school has started. This is my second year of college and second semester living on campus. There are many new people living in my building and I have gotten inspired to write a few tips on how to get along and "survive" your first year/semester living in college.

1. Try to get along with your roommate. This is a very important thing to remember. You will have to see your roommate almost everyday, and most importantly, you both share a really small room with all your shit in it. So if you piss of your roommate from the start, she might want to get a little revenge and mess/hide/destroy your stuff. Last semester I got along very well with my roommate. We talked, we hung out, we shared clothes/food, and we were honest with each other. You guys don't have to be bff's, but try to get along.

2. Get along with your suite mates/people on your floor. You are not sharing a room with these people, but you are living with them. So instead of going straight to the RA for the smallest things, just talk to them. You might be surprised to learn that they will find a solution to the problem without involving the RA and will make them have respect towards you instead of hating your guts. Don't be a bitch.

3. Leave the drama for high school. Seriously a huge problem with freshman. Nobody gives a shit about your drama! Learn to be a fuckin adult! The world does not revolve around you and we do not want to hear every little insignificant event of your day/life. Do not go around talking about others; confront them!

4. Don't go to sleep at 9pm. Almost everyone sleeps after 11, so there will be noise up until everyone sleeps. Do not get angry if you are not able to sleep cause people are still awake. We have things to do and are not going to sleep early just for you.

5. Do not party everyday. You are here to learn, not party. Sure go to a parties, but not excessively. Are you really going to throw away thousands of dollars just to party? Why not just drop out of school and party everyday? Let's see how far that'll take you.

6. Go to your classes. Again, you paying thousands of dollars for your education so you might as well go to class and learn. College is not mandatory, so if you do not want to learn then stop wasting time. In your place there could be someone who actually wants to learn.

These are all the tips I could think of. Do you have anymore tips? Do you agree? Disagree?

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