Friday, September 23, 2011

Cutie Patooties of the Week

I didn't make a mistake, I do mean cuties.  You have to understand that there was just so much cuteness going on this week.  How is a little squirrel to choose just one?  They couldn't, so brace yourself for the cuties.
Seth Rogen.  "But he's chubby. But his laugh."  Seth is not the typical choice, we get it.  He's perfect to a few of us squirrels and that's all that matters.  He has the most amazing laugh in the world if you ask two of us.  What's greater than his laugh?  His ability to make us laugh so hard!  He's one of the funniest guys in Hollywood, and a sense of humor goes a long way.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt.  A more obvious choice, why certainly.  He's got dimples, a great sense of style, and yeah, he's sexy.  Have you heard the man's french?  More importanly have you heard him sing?  I can list the many talents of Mr. Gordon-Levitt all day, but there's some stuff you have to see for yourself.

Tell me that doesn't make you swoon!
Jonah Hill.  I'll go as far as saying he was cute pre-weight loss because he has always been a funny guy with confidence.  But homeboy has been standing next to Brad Pitt a lot lately, and all I can say is, "Who is Brad Pitt?"  He's still got the funny bone in him!  And can I just say he's cuter in person!  But what I really want to know is if you had five minutes alone with those baby blues, what would you do?  And by some bizarre chance that you're reading this Jonah, I got your back against Mathew Morrison!

That's all 3 of them folks!  You can catch Seth and Joseph in 50/50 out next week and Jonah in Moneyball, now out.

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