Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Study Time! Studying Tools to Success.

We have been lagging on posts and we apologize. But is little squirrels have been super busy with school and all the fall shows that are starting this week! Anyways with that being said, some of us are almost a month into school, which means tests are starting! So here are some study tips.

(Rory helping Jess study. I wouldn't be able to concetrate with him as my study buddy)

1. Literally memorize all the notes. That's what Little Squirrel Mariela does! We know this can be overwhelming, but organization is key. Figure out when the test is and seperate the notes into parts. Studying one hour a day is less overwhelming than six hours the day before. Use the day before as review time of everything you have memorized!

2. Flash cards! We know this is something you probably did in second grade but it really does help. You can even put pictures of some cuties on the cards, such as Ryan Gosling, or Elijah Wood, remembering their faces may help you connect a certain vocab word with the definition. It can also make studying less boring.

3. Study Buddies! Ok, this does not always work because there can be distractions. But seperate your time in intervals of 15 minutes. 15 mn of each of you guys studying the same material. 15 minutes of quizzing each other or asking each other any questions. 15 minutes of reviewing anything you missed and again 15 minutes of another quiz! then you guys can have a 30 minutes break of chit-chat, and start the process all over again!

(I would love to be that girl next to him)
4. Actually pay attention in class! There are always one or two questions that come up on tests that make me go, "Oh darn! I didn't study this but I totally remember the professor talking about this!". I know it can be hard sometimes, but if you get bored in class just try writing everything the proff. says it may actually help and keep you entertained.

That is all! If any other of you guys have any other studying tips, please share! Toodles!


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