Who doesn't love H&M?! I'm obsessed. One of my biggest pet peeves has always been that you can't shop from their website, not because I only do online shopping, but because I want to know how much money to bring to the store with me. Sadly the website had always been a preview of about three peices or looks and offered the pricing for only those. It was always a bummer, until now!
Curiosity and boredom for a piece I saw in the store the other lead me back to their site, where long behold...they had pricing for a great number of items! You still can't shop it, although they did a special two days on Thursday and Friday for they will be launching ecommerce next year! Yes this time next year if your little heart so desires you can be shopping from your living room.
But the reason I just about die over the current state of the website? The website now has an online dressing room! The link: http://www.hm.com/us/dressingroom/LADIES As in you can plan your outfits ahead and see how much mileage you will get out of that hundred dollar coat! I've been making outfits for the last half hour. I've always said that if all of my backups fail, I would like to be a stylist, and if that is your main plan in life why not try it out on the website! It's super fun!
P.S. If you're optimistic you can even dress your ideal guy. I know a squirrel or two that might like this.
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