Saturday, September 10, 2011

Cutie Patootie of the Week

This week's cutie patootie is Anderson Cooper. It has been a newsie week, with the Obama speech and the anniversary of 9/11 coming up, so we thought this was appropriate. But this is not a political blog, so let's get to the point.

Anderson Cooper is a journalist/reporter/correspondent. He is nicknamed the "silver fox" and his blue eyes are labeled "national treasures". Now like the rest of the cutie pooties, Anderson Cooper is more than just a pretty face. He graduated from Yale where he majored in political science and international relations. He even interned with the CIA in college!

Although journalism was not his major, he decided to try to get in the journalism business because he considers himself a "news junkie".

After much persistence and hard work he was able to get in the business by selling his home-made news segments/interviews to Channel One. Mr. Cooper has been reporting on some of the biggest events in history. He has been on assignment in the Rwandan Genocide, and was recently in the Egyptian revolution, where he even got beaten by rebels. Before, he had been a TV show host for a show called "The Mole", but after the 9/11 attacks he decided that the news was where he was supposed to be.

As a Journalism major, and future journalist (Little Squirrel Mariela speaking) Anderson Cooper has gained my respect. It is amazing to not only watch these historic events on tv, but to somewhat be present, and part of it, and having the responsability to inform the public. I truly see his passion for his job when I see him reporting on location.

Now, Anderson Cooper has his show AC360 on CNN, and will also have a new show on the local FOX channels, starting September 12.

And for your enjoyment, here's a video of Anderson giggling.

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