Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Favorite Movies of the Summer

Today marks the last day of my summer vacation. It's been a short summer, but in the four un-consecutive weeks that I had there was a tea party, a slumber party, "star gazing", and lots and lots of movies.
I went to the movies on 6 different occasions and wound up watching 5 different movies. I'm only going to give you my top 3 because while the other 2 weren't terrible, they just didn't strike a special chord in me. I also want to note that I only saw blockbusters this summer, which is shocking for me. I usually only watch one and all comedies. That aside, here we go.

3. Rise of the Planet of the Apes
I give props to any movie that makes me wanna drop out of school and join PETA while watching it. That's what the film did for me. I'm not going to go through with it, but it really does shine a new light on captivity.
The movie has a lot going for it though. It is spectacularly acted. I can only give so much credit to James Franco and John Lithgow, but it's obvious who the real star of the film is. Andy Serkis shines as Ceasar, the ape that is the central focus of the film. If you don't know who Andy Serkis is then I can only describe him as an angel from the CGI heavens. He played King Kong in Peter Jackson's remake and is best known for another of Jackson's films, the Lord of the Rings trilogy where he plays Gollum. Acting without dialogue is a task for some actors, but Serkis does it with ease and he gives Ceasar the proper "human qualities" required for such a role, and it is there that the emotional quality of the film shines most. If the Academy Awards were to honor motion-capturing actors this year, I'd go as far as saying Serkis would win Best Actor.
Can I also just say that this is what CGI should look like! I don't want to walk into a film and automatically identify where they used CGI, not to disrespect any film. I'll be honest though, if I didn't care to learn about films while they were in production then I would believe that every ape in this film was real. Maybe it makes me sound dumb, but I honestly believe it was done that well in this film.
On a last note, this film is highly recommended if you hated Tim Burton's revival of Planet of the Apes.

2. Super 8

Films like this speak to the childhood I wish I had. Don't get me wrong I didn't have a bad childhood, but I didn't have friends like the children of this movie do. We didn't make zombie movies, although I wish we had. The bond of these kids is so well executed, I'd call it an instant classic.
You know how Steven Spielberg's films usually end up spectacular? Well add this to the list. That isn't the only reason you should watch Super 8, but it's good to add credibility.J.J. Abrams stands as director, so as dorks my brother and I wore our Lost shirts to show our support. Once again I wasn't disappointed.
I saw a lot of elements of this film that made me love it even more. I saw the emotional depth from E.T. and even the spooky moments from Lost. I saw the adventure of the Goonies and the friendship of Stand By Me. I am really trying to sell the film for you if you can't tell.
On another note, it made me care deeply about the characters. I mean the type of care that you don't normally see in a summer blockbuster that isn't part of a series.
Recommended for fans of Spielberg and Abrams.

1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

If you know me, you'd be an idiot to think I wouldn't put this at the top of my list. I don't even think its me being biased. The film is incredible! It was so good I seen it twice, one midnight 3D screening, and one 2d screening. The movie was equally good both times.
I laughed. I cried. I said "what the f***."
There was no better way to end my favorite series of all time. Well in all honestly it will never end, but you know what I mean.
The Battle of Hogwarts was epic. The Prince's Tale was the tear inducing, gut wrencher I knew it would be. We fans got the kiss we'd been waiting for to be played out on screen. And you either smiled or giggled.
If I can't sell you on the plot, let me sell you on Alan Rickman. He delivered my favorite performance of the year, sorry Andy. It probably won't happen, but I would like to throw his name in for Best Supporting Actor. If you can have me cry for 5 minutes straight and tear up every now and then, then you deserve that award! Rickman nails it when he shows us why you should never question Albus Dumbledore's trust.
Rickman's performance is one for the ages, but The Deathly Hallows Part 2 is by far my favorite Potter film. It wasn't entirely loyal to the book, so it says something for me to list it so high. It managed to surprise me and even love the things thrown in the film that weren't in the books. It gave me the couple I always wanted! It gave me the cinematic experience.
I can't gush any more, so I'll end it at this: Recommended for all Potter fans!

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