Monday, August 22, 2011

Things I Learned From High School Movies- Part 2

Alright, we've all seen a teen movie or two. And if you're already done with high school, you know that they are entirely accurate. If you haven't experienced high school yet, beware... In honor of this back to school season, I am going to clue you in.

Part 2: Makeovers

There are several things about movie makeovers that you need to know!

If you wear glasses and take them off, you're instantly pretty. Glasses make even the prettiest girls look drabby. For example, in She's All That, nobody could tell Laney was pretty beneath those spectacles. Lesson: Ditch the glasses four eyes!

Once you receive a makeover you will become a heinous monster! You will be mean to everyone, like Tai in Clueless.

Lesson: You've earned the right to call the person who has been so gracious to you, "a virgin who can't drive!"

You will make dumb decisions, such as ignoring the nice guy that's actually better looking for the jerk that looks like a Backstreet Boy knockoff. Example: The Princess Diaries
Lesson: Go for the guy that made fun of you up until the day he found out you were a princess, he's a keeper!

You must get the makeover to get the guy! And you must dress the way the rest of his women have in the past, it usually means slutty! Take Grease for example.

Lesson: Boys like tight clothes and lots of makeup, and if you like boys then you must get with the program.

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