Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Book Worm Wednesday

I'm sorry for skipping Movie Monday this week but I've been up to my knees in pain, snot, flem, coughs, and the incredible need to sleep and drink something every 20 minutes.  In other words, I've been super sick y'all and I still am, so I will make this quick.
 My recommendation of the week is The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky.   It's one of the best books I've ever read.  It's such an intimate book and it doesn't really let you escape.  Once you're in, you're in, whether or not you like the ride.  People, mainly teens, tend to make decisions that aren't always smart; who am I kidding? The choices are more often then not stupid.  The important thing is that we have the ability to make them, that we aren't just watching and letting it all pass us by.  But is it really so bad that we watch?  Charlie, the narrator and wonderful protagonist of the novel must understand this and it is a really addicting journey thanks to the style of the author.  I shall say no more because my words will never do the book justice.

P.S. I shouldn't have to say this unless you've been living in a cave but the movie adaptation will be released this year and it stars Logan Lerman and Emma Watson.  It shall be interesting to see how the book plays out on screen; I'm more than intrigued.

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