Monday, November 7, 2011

So Called Eye Candy and the Purposes they Serve (NONE)

Is that lipstick?! This is an important question!
Yes, I'm gonna share with you the news that I still watch teen soaps (only Gossip Girl).  I love them for how catty they can be.  I love the absurd plots and stylish wardrobes.  I always love the eye candy.  One of the statements is a lie.

I always crush on the guy I'm not supposed to crush on!  I know Gossip Girl wants me to crush on Nate Archibald, what with his perfectly highlighted hair and all!  But I'm not buying it.  And I haven't been buying it since the show began.  I once shared the idea for The Nate Archibald Must Die fan page (is there now one in existence?) and a complete stranger volunteered to make posters!  It made me happy that I was not the only one that felt so.

"Why would we want Nate dead? He's cute! He's hot!"  Such are the statements I always hear.  And my rebuttal? He's not that cute!  I'm not calling Chace Crawford ugly (I understand it, but I'm not on board the crushing train).  What I'm saying is this: you cannot convince me to care for a character or to want to keep watching their storylines if the character just isn't interesting.  As far as I'm concerned, Nate Archibald only remains relevant to the show so long as he is relevant to the other characters on the show.  As of lately, his main storylines are with people that are still new to the show, and probably won't last (judging from experience).  I'm convinced the writers are relying on the fact that people are attracted to him, to keep his character going. 

As a fan, I beg the writer's to write off this character.  It's been done in the past, e.g Aaron, Vanessa, Jenny. 

Gossip Girl isn't the only show guilty of this, but it's the one that has been bugging me.  Some people, and I know it might not look like it because I'm watching a teen soap, still want characters that they are going to care for in some way, and if your only selling point on a character is that they're good looking, that just doesn't cut it.

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