Friday, December 2, 2011

Heroine of the Year

As my first 2011 Favorite I proclaim Leslie Knope the Heroine of the Year.

First off, if you are not watching Parks and Recreation, what the heck are you waiting for?!

Second off, if you are watching Parks and Recreation you will know that this was my first 2011 pick it was the easiest decision I ever had to make.

Now, let's talk about Leslie Knope played by the adorable and extraordinary Amy Poehler.  She works in city council for the Pawney Parks Department.  She cares more about that little department more than most real politicians care about their job.
If you've seen this propaganda then you know that us diehard fans would absolutely vote Knope in 2012.  The reason for it is because Leslie Knope is the hardest working human being alive.  She cares for average joe citizens and she doesn't say that she is going to do something without trying her absolute hardest.  I strive for the day that real politicians will care this much for us! I'd vote Knope for those reasons alone, but there's something else that has come up.

Leslie fell hard for Ben Wyatt, whom she describes "an adorable man with a cute face."  But Ben was technically her boss.  Inter department relationships are forbidden, so that was the end of that right? NO! Ben fell hard for Leslie too!  Eventually they couldn't hide their feelings from each other so they became a couple (they hid it from everyone).  At the end of season 3 Leslie was approached to run for political office, and if you know Leslie Knope, you know that's her dream.  When asked if there were any scandals in her life, Leslie lied.  Telling them about Ben could destroy her campaign.  What could she do?

At the beginning of this season we were faced with Leslie's decision.  She broke up with Ben to pursue her dream even though it broke her heart and all of ours.  I admire a woman that is willing to choose herself!  It wasn't an easy decision and it hurt her to have to do it, but in the end Ben knew that a happy Leslie was the way to go.  But was she happy? We've watched a jealous Leslie, and the tension between she and Ben this whole season.  I personally have been rooting for them, even though I am rooting for Leslie to continue with her campaign.  Eventually Leslie couldn't take it, so she said "screw it."  I look forward to watching them be an open couple (watch last night's episode if you haven't already!) and I look forward to watching Leslie continue to do great things.

In case you're wondering, Ben (played by cutie Adam Scott, is Squirrel Approved).  When Leslie broke up with him it tore him apart, but he wasn't prepared to let Leslie give up her dream.  That's a man ladies; it's nice when they fight for you, but when they let you go on and become little Leslie Knopes they are keepers.

To prove that it really was a hard decision for Leslie, enjoy this fan made video that I found on youtube:

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