Saturday, September 3, 2011

Cutie Patootie of the Week

And the winner is.... Casey Affleck. Casey is the younger brother of Ben Affleck and has appeared in Chasing Amy and Good Will Hunting along side Ben. Just like his brother, Casey is very good looking (that is why he is the Cutie Patootie of the week, duh!).

The first movie I saw Casey in was Ocean's Twelve (yes, I saw Ocean's Twelve before Ocean's Eleven). His character, Virgil Malloy, doesn't have a big role though. Afterwards, I saw the other 2 Ocean's movies and kinda forgot about him. Being besides huge names like Brad Pitt, George Clooney, and Matt Damon made me forget about his role. I do remember though that every time Casey would have a scene without Pitt, Clooney, or Damon I would always wonder who that was. Unfortunately, those movies where the movies that made me like George Clooney, so I didn't really follow up on him. Now that I look back, I am disappointed in myself because I didn't pay much attention to him and he can totally pull of a mustache and is a great actor, of course.

I recently watched The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford and I really enjoyed the movie. Even though Brad Pitt is the main character, to me, Casey Affleck was the star of the movie. I loved every scene he was in. Casey made me like Robert Ford; made me feel sorry for him. I don't know if it was intended for the audience to feel sorry or sympathetic towards Robert Ford, but I did. This film earned Casey numeral nominations for his performance which he rightfully deserved. I am sure that everyone that watches this film will not argue that Casey Affleck did an amazing job. Watch it and tell me you think otherwise.

I will strongly advice everyone to go check out Casey Affleck because he is an incredible actor and very cute. I also like his voice; it's so... aghhh... I can't really explain it, I just like it. Another plus, he is vegan. He cares about animals and about what he puts into his body. Oh, and did I mention that he went to Columbia University and majored in physics, astronomy, and Western philosophy? I don't know about you, but I find intelligence super cute. Casey is a great actor, is incredibly cute, cares about animals, and is smart. Can you ask for more?

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